For Partners

Meet your targets. Mature the market. Make an impact.

an aerial view of snow covered mountains and valleys

What we offer corporations

We work with corporate partners to understand the relevant climate policy and regulatory developments impacting their business, their strategic roadmaps, and the technical challenges currently acting as barriers.

Core Strategy & Tech Barriers

After helping corporations hone their roadmap and identify technical barriers, we help identify and prepare startups within the Uptake ecosystem to pilot and scale relevant solutions.

Pilot Programs & Deployment

Uptake is built to commercialize technologies with our corporate partners. The thesis for Uptake working with corporate partners is singular - deployment of technologies which will positively impact our corporate partners.

Partnership & Deal Facilitation

Uptake works with our corporate partners to facilitate innovative, win-win-win commercial agreements that maximize corporate growth while protecting venture IP.

two business associates shaking hands

For investors

Uptake works with investors to facilitate a community which empowers proven climate ventures to grow, scale, and maximize their positive impact on the market and the planet.

Featured investors

For mentors

None of us got to where we are today all by ourselves.

At Uptake, we believe in the power of mentorship to transform businesses and lives. Mentorship is more than just guidance; it's a shared journey of professional and personal growth.

We have many ways for you to get involved, including coaching our startups, leading classes, and advising our programming. Start by completing an application.

Interested in becoming a mentor? Reach out here.